Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Upcoming Week

So I just found out that Dustin has to work on Saturday - boo. What's a girl and her dog to do? Well luckily I live in a city where there is never a lack of activity! I came across a walk for farm animals and low and behold it was written in my stars, because the starting point is literally across the street from my apartment!

The 2010 Walk for Farm Animals is an annual event that helps spread the word about the treatment of animals on factory farms and raises funds for rescue, education, and advocacy. The walks are being held throughout the fall season in cities across the country. Best of all - guess who the "celebrity" spokesperson is. Anybody ever heard of that little show Biggest Loser? Well none other than Bob Harper will be spreading the word about farm animal treatment. (My crush persists-sigh). Maybe I can accidentally brush up against him - all in the name of animals though.

If anyone is interested in donating anything towards this awesome fund, please log onto the website and open up that check book, or change purse! : )


"oink oink, help a piggie out!"

much love, the thompsons

Monday, September 20, 2010

Take a Deep Breath

So, as many of you know, I subscribe to a somewhat holistic mindset. I believe proper nutrition can prevent and heal most things affecting us today, I believe Nature knows best, I'm convinced Epsom salts could change your life, I listen to the "nature" and "stress relief" Pandora stations, and I say positive affirmations to myself daily while composting my lunch scraps. Not a total hippy - because I don't believe in that word - but just conscious of my surroundings and trying to leave the space I occupy the same (or fingers crossed a bit better) than when I arrived.

One thing, though, that I still have trouble with is meditation. I have read many an article discussing the benefits of meditation - but I find that every time I try it...well, I feel stupid. I'm just sitting there and I'm supposed to keep my eyes closed (hoping I don't fall asleep) while trying not to fidget and not "think." Really?!

Well, I'm convinced that if so many other people can do it, then so can I. After all, how many times during your day are you given the opportunity to be quiet and reflect upon your day. They say you cannot pass on kindness and love if you do not in fact love and treat yourself with kindness. SO - I am posting a link that we can all (if anyone really in fact reads this blog) try together. It's only 5 minutes and 29 seconds. Surely we can quiet our minds for that long.

Sit quietly and in a comfortable position in your space (preferably without your dog or husband asking what you are doing), close your eyes, and just listen. Listen to your breath, listen to the sounds of nature, think of all the things in your life you are grateful for. Breath in abundance, love, opportunity, and health, and breath out stress, pain, anxiety, and any other negative emotions you are feeling. Breath deeply, filling your tummy, lungs, and spirit with fresh oxygen. When the 5:29 is over, keep your eyes closed until you are ready to greet your morning, afternoon, or evening.

Feels good doesn't it?!


much love, the thompsons

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Status Post Too Many Food Samples

I hope this finds everyone having a wonderful weekend! Today the thompson's are feeling well rested with full tummies. We slept in after a fun birthday celebration for our friend Kelly last night (obnoxious tiki drinks and karaoke - complete with performances of Salt n Pepa, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Loretta Lynn, and the Runaways) and spent the morning watching the Hogs win in Georgia (woo pig!), and the afternoon stuffing samples of vegan yummies at

The festival was amazing, as usual, with about 50-60 vendors and most with samples of their labors of love. We had ice-cream, tofu a million ways, energy bars, crackers, macaroons, raw delights, coffee, soy curls, burgers, chick'n nuggets, the list goes on! Best of all? Every single morsel was vegan! I forget what it's like to be somewhere and be able to eat anything that is there-the options were endless! We tried to watch a chef demo with Tal Ronnen, author of The Conscious Cook, but it was waaaay too crowded. Picture little breath circles on the glass door from people trying to catch a glimpse of genius...so with a bit of overcrowding anxiety we hung our heads and hope to see him some other time. BUT we came home with coupons and samples and a newly kindled spirit to continue being a voice for our animal counterparts that aren't able to speak up.

Tomorrow holds the Cowboys game with friends at Grand Central Station, and catching up on household bores to get ready for the week. I will be spending Monday and Tuesday in new employee orientation for my new job at OHSU and the rest of the week in workplace safety training (elbows in and lift with your legs people!). So far I am really enjoying my new job and so thankful for one! Hopefully your weekend has been full of fun memories and rest as well. Including some pictures taken last night below.

much love, the thompsons

Dustin's dream libation menu - full of ridiculous concoctions of sweet liquors, juices, and funny names. I believe this one was the southern soda (the least offensive of his orders).

Amber and Chris

Audrey and Ryan

Kelly and Emily

Emily and Matthew

The Birthday girl enjoying her G & T

Um yeah, that's us

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall is in the Air!

I think Fall is my favorite time of year. Packed with fantastic holidays, crisp weather, beautiful leaves, cozy scents, blankets, and yummy food-the season is unbeatable. Football - the true beginning of the season - started this week, so it's getting the gears turning in my head for decorating and celebrating! Here a few pictures to get you excited too!

I love the white pumpkins

Not your average Jack-o-Lantern

A bit of a rustic take - beautiful!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chickpea Curry Yumminess

So I don't know if anyone cares about what the thompsons choose to chow on, but being a dietitian and 1/2 of a vegan couple, I care ALOT. I try to make the tastiest, most good for you meals without hurting a single animal on just a tiny bit of cash. I'd also like to mention that once we went vegan our grocery bill was reduced by about 1/3 - awesoooome!

I thought I would share one of my favorites from college that circled back around in my brain for lunch today. It feeds at least 6, is full of protein, and is tasty to boot! Give it a try!
Chickpea Curry Yumminess

1. Chop up 2 onions and 2 bell peppers

2. Put a pinch of salt in the bottom of a large skillet over medium high heat.
Let it sit for 1 minute then add in 1 Tbsp olive oil and 1 Tbsp vegan margarine
(Earth Balance is my favorite) - this creates a non-stick effect.

3. Saute the peppers and onions until soft and golden

4. To the peppers and onions
add 8 - 10 oz tomato sauce (or crushed tomatoes)
2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp red curry powder
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
8 cloves garlic (don't be a garlic baby, trust me it will be good)
add salt to taste

5. Rinse 4 cans of chickpeas (get all that nasty sodium off!) then add to the mixture.
This step is best achieved when listening to The Mountain Goats "No children"

6. Mix it all up till it's mixy and yummy.

7. Enjoy!

much love, the thompsons

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

They Say It's Your Birthday!

Welcome back to the ramblings of team Thompson. Just in case you forgot who were were...having left Arkansas in the dust, we're a twenty-something couple living our dreams in Portland Oregon. While the boy spends his days in a vegan bakery and getting tattoos, the gal works in the field of nutrition and watches way too much Food Network, and the pup is a wonder lust blond bombshell who would rather spend time with her mom than with you-no offense. Rest easy, our posts aren't that important or life changing-but like most blogs, they make our everyday sound pretty pimp. Since the blog has been on hiatus let's bring you up to speed picture style.

My big sis got married on July 3, but we celebrated in style the weekend before

That's right, we showed up pole dancing novices, and left with enough
tip money to cover the trip.

Adel and I spent a month studying for the RD exam. Hooray we passed.
New credentials = mo monay!

Dustin and I don't eat animals, and we celebrated this at the 2010 Vegan Prom
that brought Try Vegan Week PDX to a close.

Dustin got a tattoo. Then he got another one. Then he got another one.
Then he got another one.

Now that we are all caught up, I would like to take this opportunity to shout "Happy Birthday" to my better half! This is the 3rd birthday Dustin and I have spent together, and they keep getting better and better. Can't wait to see what the next 365 hold. Hopefully more opportunities for blue wigs and hair green-those moments are always the best to share.

much love, the thompsons

Friday, February 12, 2010

Shannon and Robert are engaged!!!

I am so excited to report that my lovely sister and her sweet boyfriend Robert are now engaged! The big day is planned for July 3 which is truly fantastic considering we will be able to fly home for the entire week before the big day! I can't wait to welcome Robert into our family (not that he doesn't already hold a special place!) Love you both!