Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Tofurkey Day!

Plate #1, using my save the planet napkins (thank you Megan!)

Punkin Pie anyone?

Field Roast (the equivalent of ham, without missing an oink!)

The infamous Tofurkey, stuffed with goodness

Celebrating the new tv by playing with the box while Dustin did set-up

Adel enjoying some time in the dog park

We celebrated Tofurkey Day in style this year. We pot lucked with our neighbors and friends. The food and wine were flowing and had a great time. We took a long walk yesterday (a feeble attempt at working off some of the pumpkin pie calories?) and soaked up some long awaited sun. We hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving break, and of course GO HOGS!!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adel sneaking up for some love while I am blogging, had to add it!

Me, Anna, Audrey, and Candace getting ready to tour Sauvie Island Organics Farm

Picking fresh peppers to snack on!

Farm cat wanted a pepper too!

I couldn't quite reach the ripe pears

Sarah, Jamie, Nicole, Candace, Me, Kelly, and my sweet Brittany at the Food Innovations Center

This week has been lots of fun. Instead of rotations or class we went on field trips to an organic farm, a food innovation center, and P:EAR, a homeless shelter for teenagers. We were able to break into the OHSU kitchen and make the kids at P:EAR vegetarian shepherd's pie with fresh produce from the organic farm. A great way to remember everything Dustin and I have to be thankful for. Even though we won't be with family tomorrow on Turkey Day, we are renaming it Tofurkey Day and pot lucking with a bunch of vegetarians! That's what I'm talking about! Pics of the infamous "tofurkey" to come. : ) Happy Thanksgiving to all! We love you!

Monday, November 16, 2009

You'd think I forgot...

Slash and his vamp sexy, yes.

Risky business meets Portland hipster meets drill bit handlin' Candace meets airline official meets vampire queen. That equals a typical weeknight in Portland!

You can be jealous of my mad pumpkin skillz

See the creepy man behind me in the red flannel? Didn't know he was there
and he scared the mess out of me after the picture was taken.
The guy in the straw hat was just a bit goofy (if you can't tell by the girls' faces).

So I promise I didn't forget that I had a blog. This term has been a bit crazy. For the internship we had to plan a conference for dietitians from the area. It occurred on Friday-finally. It ended up being great-144 attendants. Long story short though, it was tons of work. Plus I've been back at WIC, which always makes for a tiring week-driving the 2 1/2 hours roundtrip.

I'll stop whining though, and catch you up on our festivities! Jeannie and Joe came to visit us for a long weekend, and it was so much fun having family here! Made me miss home a bit though, that's for sure! We took them out and about in Portland, and tried to expose them to the greatness and not so greatness of the city (but mostly just how flipping awesome it is in general). I think it was quite a shock : )

They left to travel down the coast and fly out of LA. Jeannie said the coast was gorgeous and worth the drive. So if anyone wants to take a scenic excursion down the pacific coast, feel free to stop by Portland first and we'll take you to brunch and show you a good time before sending you off on your way.

Halloween was the next exiting activity. We spent an evening in Sauvie Island at the haunted corn maze. Although Dustin made fun of me the whole time and laughed when I jumped, I made it through the maze alive and well, and Dustin came out with only a few bruises on his arm from my grip (and maybe a few smacks for laughing at me). I'm sorry, but went demented clowns and chain-saws come and chase you, it's a bit frightening. We also stopped by a Halloween party at my friends Anna and Lucy's house. Fun to see the internship girls outside of class!

Moving on-there's not much else to report. We have just been working lots and lots, and eating lots and lots too. Just for the record-if no one recognizes us at Christmas, don't feel bad for calling us your old "obese friends." We won't be offended. We did it to ourselves-all that IPA and sustainable food they force down you out here. : ) So miserable I tell ya. Ha!

Me and Athena

Jeannie and Joe

Stop taking my picture, I'm on the phone

Dustin and his Mama!