Friday, January 15, 2010

Just an Update

We finally have our computer back-woo hoo! I feel as though my thumbs have been returned to me. It looks like new too, which is a definite plus. Just thought I would give everyone an update as to what has been going on here in rainy Portland.

I am currently in my diabetes rotation with my favorite preceptor and it is going really well. I've also been able to see eating disorder patients which I'm finding energizing and draining all at once. After this rotation it's all hospital for a while. Eeek! In other news, I am so excited to report that yesterday morning I had the VNUS procedure on my right leg. After years of dealing with chronic leg pain I am hoping that this will fix it right up (at least for a few years!). It went really well-had some painful moments, but all in all I'm good to go. My leg is all wrapped up and I can't take the bandages off for 48 hours. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I can take a gander at my battle wounds. Thank you for the prayers and texts (and flowers, Mom!) they all made a big difference in settling my nervous tummy.

Dustin has been so helpful, taking me to breakfast, bringing me water, fixing my plate, fluffing my pillows, calling me a gimp-he's such a sweetie. Other than taking care of me, he has been working hard and is still enjoying Le Hana. Speaking of...sushi sounds pretty good for lunch or dinner. Hmmm...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

No Computer = Sad Thompsons

After all of the take downs, spills, drops, and oops-a-daisy moments, our laptop finally had to go in for repair. The repair man looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if he could get the spaghetti sauce out from under the mousepad. I guess he doesn't realize what we Thompsons are capable of! So this is my excuse for the lack of posts, and this one is coming from the OHSU library, hence the lack of pictures.

Just to update, we had a lovely trip home to Texas and Arkansas, and were able to spend much needed time with friends and family. We were sad to go, but have plans to return next summer for a wedding and hopefully some more time at Jeannie and Joe's new farm! I really hated having to use that soaking tub-I mean who enjoys relaxing like that?! : )

Dustin is back in the swing at Le Hana, and I'm slowly starting to get my act together for school. One term down and two to go. I'm starting to get a bit nervous because this is the part where all of the clinical knowledge that I have long since forgotten comes into play. Say a few prayers for me please!

We are all moved into our new apt and absolutely loving the east side of Portland. It's so much more "us" and we have had so much fun exploring it. All in all we are doing well. The only downside of Portland is the "no sun" policy they have strictly enforced. I don't mind rain too much, you just get used to it-but when there aren't ANY sunny days it starts to wear on you just a bit. Maybe I should invest in a sun lamp? I heard someone refer to the rainless days as those when the "beast is sleeping." Clever. True.