Our family stockings, thanks to our sweet Aunt Helen! That's a dog bone attached to Adel's.
Met up for drinks with Anna, Audrey, and Candace-and if you couldn't tell,
I've gotten fat since moving to Portland. : )
We are super excited to now be in the Belmont district of Portland!
Dustin cut us down a Christmas tree and put it into a planter-ha! It's my very first REAL tree! No Sis around to be allergic, so we took advantage...and it smells fantastic!
Who's that cutie amongst the Christmas trees?
Shauna, me, and Sam after that tree to our right fell on us.
Soaking up the fresh air in the mountains
Christmas carolers! And they even sang "I want a hippopotamus"
My first attempt at meringues. They tasted amazing! Yum Yum!