Welcome back to the ramblings of team Thompson. Just in case you forgot who were were...having left Arkansas in the dust, we're a twenty-something couple living our dreams in Portland Oregon. While the boy spends his days in a vegan bakery and getting tattoos, the gal works in the field of nutrition and watches way too much Food Network, and the pup is a wonder lust blond bombshell who would rather spend time with her mom than with you-no offense. Rest easy, our posts aren't that important or life changing-but like most blogs, they make our everyday sound pretty pimp. Since the blog has been on hiatus let's bring you up to speed picture style.
My big sis got married on July 3, but we celebrated in style the weekend before
That's right, we showed up pole dancing novices, and left with enough
tip money to cover the trip.
Adel and I spent a month studying for the RD exam. Hooray we passed.
New credentials = mo monay!
Dustin and I don't eat animals, and we celebrated this at the 2010 Vegan Prom
that brought Try Vegan Week PDX to a close.
Dustin got a tattoo. Then he got another one. Then he got another one.
Then he got another one.
Now that we are all caught up, I would like to take this opportunity to shout "Happy Birthday" to my better half! This is the 3rd birthday Dustin and I have spent together, and they keep getting better and better. Can't wait to see what the next 365 hold. Hopefully more opportunities for blue wigs and hair green-those moments are always the best to share.
much love, the thompsons