Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Catching Up

We figured out how to make "TLT" sammies! Tempeh, Lettuce, and Tomato

Dustin brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers

Bravely attempting sushi

Success, full success!

Yes, that's right...that is me and Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA. I think she probably wanted to offer me a job, but was too nervous since we just moved out to Oregon for me to go to OHSU for a year. : )

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Driving across the St. John's bridge

Roaming around Cathedral Park

The Willamette brought jobs to the area, allowing the town to thrive

I love Portland!!

We headed to the Northwest to try a restaurant recommended by Isa Chandra called Proper Eats. It is a vegan/vegetarian dive that uses local and organic ingredients grown in their backyard. They also participate in a community garden, so if you want to buy a "plot" (don't think graveyard, don't think graveyard) you can plant your own veggies and keep 'em or donate 'em. I like that idea. Wonder how long it was take me to kill my plot and all the plots around mine. Gardening aside, I think that it was quite possibly the best meal I've ever had in my life. It was amazing. We shared the tempeh tacos and cornmeal crusted tempeh. SO yummy. After lunch we walked down to a nearby park and took pics of the St John's bridge. Can't wait to go back!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Isa Chandra Moskowitz!!!!!!

She made potato perogies with caramelized onions for the reading

There she is! Can you see my girly giddiness bursting out?

Last night Dustin and I went to a reading at Powell's by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. She is the author of my favorite cookbook Veganomicon, as well as Vegan with a Vengeance, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and her newest book Vegan Brunch. She basically inspired me to pick up vegan cooking, and made it possible for Dustin and I to survive on tofu and tempeh for the past 3 years. : ) She was absolutely hilarious during the reading and provided homemade perogies before the reading began-winner. She moved to Portland from New York last year and revealed that she just may start vegan cooking classes here. What WHAT?! I'll be first in line with my dorky signed cookbook ready to go. Yes, Dustin told me many times that I needed to calm down and that I was being really cheesy but hey, I was star-struck! I encourage everyone to check out her website The Post Punk Kitchen and get a dose of her awesomeness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Family Hike

A trail winding through the park

Still afraid of the camera : ) But a great hiking partner!

We also see that bridge from our apt window

Since we are starting back on our "health kick" we decided to take a hike through Washington Park. We walked through the winding trails, seeing thousands of ferns and firs, as well as giant slugs and stone steps. Adel was a bit overwhelmed by all there was to sniff and she too proved she was out of shape. Took us about 45 minutes to get back to the car, so it was a great first family hike!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Today is a new day!!

Since moving here, Dustin and I have tried at least 15-20 new restaurants.  They keep coming and coming!  Every corner you turn there is a place that has some enticing lunch special, or boasts about it's sustainability or use of organic and local ingredients.  Who wouldn't want to support that?  It should also be noted that since moving here my motivation to grocery shop and cook meals has all but vanished.  It's so easy to fall into the trap of convenience.  

Now that we have tried delicious Indian, Persian, Italian, Greek, Thai, Chinese, Latino, American, raw, vegan, vegetarian, slow cooked, deep fried, baked, smothered, covered, creamy, crunchy, amazing meals-and have the now too tight pants to prove it-the time has come.  After realizing that I seriously couldn't fit into any of my pants, and my dresses and skirts were showing their wear, we needed to get motivated!  After perusing Powell's (the largest independently owned bookstore in the country, and a hop skip and jump away from our apt) we settled on a quick fix vegan cookbook pictured above.  Come to find out, the authors own our favorite raw/vegan restaurant here in Portland, Blossoming Lotus.  Fancy that, I think it was meant to be!  

It's time to gear up and stop eating so much crap, and start eating our own-wait that came out wrong.  We ate all our meals at home today-smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch, and a Farmer's Market yummy bowl for dinner.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll work up the courage to work out.  : )