Saturday, August 1, 2009

Today is a new day!!

Since moving here, Dustin and I have tried at least 15-20 new restaurants.  They keep coming and coming!  Every corner you turn there is a place that has some enticing lunch special, or boasts about it's sustainability or use of organic and local ingredients.  Who wouldn't want to support that?  It should also be noted that since moving here my motivation to grocery shop and cook meals has all but vanished.  It's so easy to fall into the trap of convenience.  

Now that we have tried delicious Indian, Persian, Italian, Greek, Thai, Chinese, Latino, American, raw, vegan, vegetarian, slow cooked, deep fried, baked, smothered, covered, creamy, crunchy, amazing meals-and have the now too tight pants to prove it-the time has come.  After realizing that I seriously couldn't fit into any of my pants, and my dresses and skirts were showing their wear, we needed to get motivated!  After perusing Powell's (the largest independently owned bookstore in the country, and a hop skip and jump away from our apt) we settled on a quick fix vegan cookbook pictured above.  Come to find out, the authors own our favorite raw/vegan restaurant here in Portland, Blossoming Lotus.  Fancy that, I think it was meant to be!  

It's time to gear up and stop eating so much crap, and start eating our own-wait that came out wrong.  We ate all our meals at home today-smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch, and a Farmer's Market yummy bowl for dinner.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll work up the courage to work out.  : )

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