I hope this finds everyone having a wonderful weekend! Today the thompson's are feeling well rested with full tummies. We slept in after a fun birthday celebration for our friend Kelly last night (obnoxious tiki drinks and karaoke - complete with performances of Salt n Pepa, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Loretta Lynn, and the Runaways) and spent the morning watching the Hogs win in Georgia (woo pig!), and the afternoon stuffing samples of vegan yummies at
The festival was amazing, as usual, with about 50-60 vendors and most with samples of their labors of love. We had ice-cream, tofu a million ways, energy bars, crackers, macaroons, raw delights, coffee, soy curls, burgers, chick'n nuggets, the list goes on! Best of all? Every single morsel was vegan! I forget what it's like to be somewhere and be able to eat anything that is there-the options were endless! We tried to watch a chef demo with Tal Ronnen, author of The Conscious Cook, but it was waaaay too crowded. Picture little breath circles on the glass door from people trying to catch a glimpse of genius...so with a bit of overcrowding anxiety we hung our heads and hope to see him some other time. BUT we came home with coupons and samples and a newly kindled spirit to continue being a voice for our animal counterparts that aren't able to speak up.
Tomorrow holds the Cowboys game with friends at Grand Central Station, and catching up on household bores to get ready for the week. I will be spending Monday and Tuesday in new employee orientation for my new job at OHSU and the rest of the week in workplace safety training (elbows in and lift with your legs people!). So far I am really enjoying my new job and so thankful for one! Hopefully your weekend has been full of fun memories and rest as well. Including some pictures taken last night below.
much love, the thompsons
Dustin's dream libation menu - full of ridiculous concoctions of sweet liquors, juices, and funny names. I believe this one was the southern soda (the least offensive of his orders).
Amber and Chris
Audrey and Ryan
Kelly and Emily
Emily and Matthew
The Birthday girl enjoying her G & T
Um yeah, that's us
All such beautiful, beautiful girls!! I miss you all!!